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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.

​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community

Infinity Acres Ranch Facebook

​                            Meet "RANCHER RICK" & "LLAMA LAURA"

We love every  year with lots of field trips from Churches & Schools. 

We are proud to be on the Henry County, Martinsville City, Patrick County, Pittsylvania & Franklin Co as well as Rockingham (NC) School's list of approved field trips!

We've enjoyed guests from all of those districts, plus private schools and Church  VBS & schools as well as Home Schooling Groups!

We meet the Virginia SOL (Standards of Learning) & NC EOG's requirements for each grade level and core area. We will also customize your tour to your needs upon request! We have lesson plans prepared as well to make your field trip stress free. 

Classes, meetings and programs are held there! Consider us for your next event! 

WE are proud members of the ALSA (Alpaca Llama Show Assoc) & AZA (Association of Zoos & Aquariums) 

Remember: Support your local SPCA. They do great things for animals in need and be sure to SPAY & NEUTER ! 

In the meantime, consider adopting from them!! Check them out: SPCA

​Just for fun: please show your class the FLAT STANLEY video made by Infinity Acres Ranch by request from a class in Arizona!! Then, check out our ONE ROOM SCHOOL HOUSE virtual tour.