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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.

​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community

Infinity Acres Ranch Facebook

Make your EVENT or FESTIVAL Extra Special


We will come to YOU!

Small Exhibit for 60 -90 minutes $350 ($200/hr for extended time)  

set up inside or outside; shelter & 1 table to be provided by organization variety of small animals such as sugar gliders,  tortoises,, reptiles, goats

Large Exhibit for 2 hours $600 ($250/hr for extended time) (shelter to be provided by organization, we provide fence set up) ; set up outside, can be modified for indoors upon request or due to weather.  Variety of both large and small animals such as llamas, goats, mini horse & donkey, reptiles,  etc

CAMEL!! Extra $500, call for details

  • 50%  Non-Refundable deposit upon reservation.
  • Balance due on/before date of event. 
  • In the event of severe weather, event may be rescheduled once to an available date.

Paypal or Checks accepted: 5% transaction fee for credit cards.  

Travel Charge added :

(Small exhibit $2/mi each way /  Large exhibit $3/mi each way)